David Yaffe-Bellany Photo
George Edwards at a 2016 hip-hop conference.
New Haveners will have a chance to share their memories of the late Black Panther and social justice advocate George Edwards at an event set for Saturday, Oct. 29.
Edwards, possibly the most spied-on and messed-with activist in town and an omnipresence at public events, died Sept. 16 at the age of 85. (Read a full story about his life here.)
The memorial event in his honor will take place at the Dixwell Q House on Dixwell Avenue. It is scheduled to run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
His daughter Elizabeth Dickerson asks anyone wishing to speak at the event to contact her in advance at liz_dickerson@sbcglobal.net.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring gently used clothing to the event to be distributed to the needy.
This GoFundMe drive has been established to help pay for funeral costs. Some money will also go toward placing Edwards’ name on a brick at the Q House.