Arthur Delot-Vilain |
Feb 7, 2025 7:49 pm
Colin Caplan: Ready to set a new Guinness World Record.
DATTCO Pizza bus, at Friday’s shindig.
The effort to canonize pizza as the heart of Connecticut’s cultural life continued apace Friday morning, with local connoisseurs and state politicos in attendance on Crown Street to announce a host of ah-beetz events in the works — including a pizza party of world record-setting proportions.
Chris Randall |
Feb 6, 2025 10:15 am
Chris Randall Photos
The main dish.
While some customers wary of ICE raids stayed home, Alexis Ramirez was as usual marinating sliced pork shoulder in a blend of dried chiles, achiote, pineapple juice, and spices.
NICE Director Rasheed: “People know we’ll be here and won’t fail them.”
Sacred Heart University student Pavan Morla and his three roommates showed up to the Howard Avenue police substation just before noon — to pick up apples, tomatoes, cheese, and milk, at a food pantry that has been serving the Hill for nearly a decade.
... cigarettes and vaping products, still allowed, at 864 Whalley.
A “Not For Sale” sign remains taped to the top of a beverage case filled with Monster energy drinks, Powerade and Diet Coke at the Grab n’ Go Market in Westville Village — where city zoners recently rejected Mohammed Ababneh’s bid to sell soda and prepackaged food in addition to vaping products and cigarettes.
Their aim: To make sure the Whalley Avenue supermarket, an anchor for the community, would not be on the list.
The advocacy paid off, and on Friday morning, GDDC Assistant Director Mikhila Pingili and Deputy Economic Development Administrator Carlos Eyzaguirre were on hand along with Stop & Shop brass — not just to celebrate that the 150 Whalley Ave. store remained open, but also to cut the ribbon on an extensive renovation.
Maya McFadden |
Jan 9, 2025 7:10 pm
Maya McFadden Photos
At 54 Meadow: "We are the union... the mighty, mighty union!"
Vereen: "I really didn't think it was going to take this long."
After a full day of preparing students’ meals, John C. Daniels School lead cafeteria cook Latasha Vereen added a coat and scarf to her uniform and headed to the school district’s headquarters — to rally for a new contract and a living wage for public school food service workers.
David Sepulveda |
Dec 16, 2024 11:14 am
David Sepulveda Photo
At last call at Soul De Cuba, with Frank Brady and Tea Montgomery.
After more than 20 years of serving Cuban cuisine and culture on the corner of High and Crown Streets, Soul de Cuba will be offering only catering and take out services for the next few days before going dark on Dec. 22.
Jasanea Hernandez (left): A fair contract will "send a powerful message to our children about the value of hard work and dedication."
Local 217 in the house: "You want order, we want to eat!"
Amid contract negotiations, dozens of New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) cafeteria staffers called on the school district to pay them livable wages so they can keep their own stomachs full as they work to feed students.
Naseema Gilson |
Nov 12, 2024 11:13 am
Chris Randall photos
Babz Rawls Ivy and Chrissy Tracey talk mushroom foraging.
Drummers greet visitors to new CitySeed HQ.
This citizen contribution was submitted by Naseema Gilson, CitySeed’s director of development.
The smells of Nepalese momos and jerk chicken wafted down the stairs, as guests poured into a former Fair Haven factory for “A Night of Food, Community, and Conversation.” The drumbeats and skirt swirls of Movimiento Cultural Afro Continental’s drummers and dancers greeted visitors at the top of the stairs, along with a message: Welcome to CitySeed’s new home.
Cara Santino |
Oct 28, 2024 11:14 am
CitySeed photo
CitySeed Director of Food Business Development Cara Santino.
To escape from a challenging childhood, I read recipes and watched the Food Network. I consumed any and all information related to food and cooked simple meals whenever my family had ingredients. This passion fueled my dream of opening my own restaurant and led me to culinary school.
Yet on the first day, bright-eyed about a future career doing what I love, our chef instructors told us bluntly: Don’t plan on opening a restaurant. Most operators fail before the seven-year mark. The room fell silent, and no one explained why the failure rates are so high.
Thomas Breen |
Oct 10, 2024 3:17 pm
Thomas Breen photo
Looking through the Chapel Street window glass at an empty Elm City Market.
(Updated) Elm City Market has officially closed its 360 State St. location — in advance of the grocery store’s planned move to a smaller space a few blocks away at the “Square 10” development at the former Coliseum site.
Lisa Reisman |
Sep 17, 2024 4:07 pm
courtesy Marcus Carpenter
From left, servers Big Don McDaniel, Marcus Harvin, Greg Altieri, Adam Rawlings, Marcus Carpenter, Babatunde Akinjobi, and Bradley Woodworth.
One group brought a full-course dinner, complete with a choice of jerk chicken or fried chicken. Another brought a “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes”DVD, a movie projector, and popcorn. Then a half-dozen smartly dressed servers showed up.
And just like that, with the inaugural “Dinner and a Movie” hosted by Best Video and the Newhallville nonprofit Fresh Starts, a dream, seven years in the making, saw its realization at Life Haven women’s shelter in Fair Haven.
U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro brought a progressive star with MAGA cred to town Monday to help craft an election season message about high food prices: Blame corporate price-gougers.