Thomas MacMillan Photo
The latest indication that cyclists have become a political force in New Haven: New Haven’s state senators led passage Thursday of a bill to stiffen fines for drivers who run over “vulnerable users.” That category includes pedestrians, cyclists, highway workers, skateboarders, and wheelchair-users.
Under the bill, drivers who kill or seriously injure non-automotive travelers could face up to $1,000 in fines (assuming the victim “exercised reasonable care in using the public way) and/or be required “to attend a driver retraining program and perform community service.”
It passed 35 – 0 in the Senate Thursday night. It now goes to the state House for consideration.
New Haven has New England’s highest percentage of people who bike or walk to work. New Haven state Sens. Marty Looney and Toni Harp led passage of the bill.
“Respectful, shared use of public rights-of-way is the cornerstone of future vitality,” Harp stated in a joint press release. Added Looney: ““We are experiencing a significant societal shift of people choosing to give up their cars in favor of bicycles. Cyclists and pedestrians are at a high risk of being severely injured or killed when in an accident involving a 4,000 pound motor vehicle. This law will help protect our vulnerable users.”
Click here for the most recent report on years worth of bicycle activism in New Haven, which led to a city “Safe Streets” initiative.