Rebecca Turcio Photos
Neighborhood activist Rebecca Turcio of Cedar Hill sent in this write-up and these photos about an event marking the opening of a new splash pad Saturday.
Close to a decade a fight went on for a new playground in Cedar Hill, and on Saturday the neighborhood got a piece of it. The most important summer piece, a new splash pad!

The day started off with the ribbon cutting by Alderman Justin Elicker and the parks department’s David Mosley, who has designed the future Cedar Hill playground (and a wonderful design it is!).
Following the ribbon-cutting on Saturday a steady flow of community members came through for the wienie roast and a dip in the fresh cold water!
The kids of Cedar Hill spent the day in the new button activated splash pad.

The adults took a moment’s rest after years of trying to get an outdated out-of-code playground replaced. Every time it was put in the budget it seemed to be cut. The community had concerns for the well-being of the children that used it. And took it upon themselves to do a temporary fix by painting the chipped and peeling equipment after children were getting paint slivers in their hands. The parks department helped by sand blasting the equipment. Not a perfect fix but the playground was a safer place for the large number of kids that use it.

This playground is right next to Rice Field, so the kids who come for the baseball and soccer game also use this playground, not just the kids of Cedar Hill.

But finally one piece made it through! The most important one! The old splash pad was a non-stop running sprinkler that sometimes got turned on and sometimes got turned off. The water usage of such an old system was costly. This new system only works when the kids press a button. Saving A LOT of water.

The good news at the event is that we may be able to get another piece of this outdated playground replaced! We will be meeting to decide which one is most needed. But the kids know which one they want.
All the kids enjoyed the cupcakes donated by the merchants of Cedar Hill.

In the end, with a community that never gives up and an Alderman whose heart is true, and some amazing people in the parks department, a part of a small community’s dreams and needs were met today. And the children of this community will have an amazing summer because of it! Not to mention the benefit that people will actually use this space again, the side effect is a community meeting and building area!