Melissa Bailey Photo
He fought to clear his name. But after a jury heard his voice on devastating surreptitious recordings, Thomas Gallagher gave up and became the latest co-conspirator to plead guilty in a sprawling mortgage fraud scam.
Gallagher — a real estate appraiser and a West Haven police commissioner — pleaded guilty in federal court in Hartford to one count of making a false statement. He faces a maximum of five years in jail and up to $250,000 in fines.
Until his plea late Monday, he was one of six area people on trial for their alleged roles in a scam that cheated lenders out of millions of dollars and left struggling New Haven neighborhoods with trashed, abandoned houses. Click here and here to read about that.
Earlier on Monday, while he was still a defendant asserting his innocence, Gallagher could be heard on tape recordings played in court arranging to have photos doctored to make it look like homes were improved, when in fact they weren’t. He used those photos to help prepare inflated appraisals on those properties in order to fool lenders and get bogus mortgages, which the scam’s alleged co-conspirators divvied up. Read details about those recordings here.
“Tom Gallagher has devoted many years of service to his community. His family and friends stand beside him during this difficult time,” Gallagher’s lawyer, Alex V. Hernandez, said after the sudden plea Monday. “We look forward to bringing his many and diverse, admirable qualities to the attention of Chief Judge Thompson at the time of sentencing.”
Previous coverage of this case:
• Slum-Photo Doctor Makes A Call
• What Happened At Goodfellas Didn’t Stay At Goodfellas
• Fraud Trial Opens With Oz-Like Yarn
• “Partying” MySpacer Lined Up Scam Homebuyers
• “Straw Buyer” Pleads Guilty
• Neighbors, Taxpayers Left With The Tab
• FBI Arrests Police Commissioner, Slumlord, Rabbi
• One Last Gambit Falls Short
• Was He In “Custody”?
• Is Slum Landlord Helping The FBI?
• Feds Snag Poverty Landlord