Through Jan. 19, you can help keep the Independent reporting on New Haven — and have your donations matched dollar for dollar as part of a national drive to support local not-for-profit news reporting.
Through the 19th, all donations to the Independent up to $1,000 will be matched by a national drive called “The Knight News Match.” The Knight Foundation is making similar matches for donations to 57 not-for-profit news outlets like the Independent nationwide.
So … please consider donating money!!
Your tax-deductible donation helps us keep the lights on and reporters out in the community. It also helps keep WNHH radio on the air.
As the phenomenon of “fake news” spreads, we need real-news reporting more than ever!
We’re in our 12th year at the Independent and going strong, thanks to support from our community.
• You can make a one-time online donation at the following link:
Thank you!