Dylan Sloan Photo
Chef Isaiah Perez applies the finishing touches.

Since adding the “Prison Reformer” hot dog — spicy mustard and his signature sauce — to the menu at Jordan’s Hot Dogs and Mac on State Street, Corey Spruill has gotten plenty of questions from customers.
He intended it that way.
“I’m a huge supporter of advocating for prison reform,” said Spruill. “The hot dog definitely has raised a lot of curiosity from people who have ordered it. I hope both that people buy it and also that it can help raise awareness.”
He first got the idea when a group of regular customers started asking for hot dogs with spicy mustard and his special Jordan’s sauce. When he tried it himself, he liked it so much that he decided to make it a permanent menu item.
An ex-offender himself, Spruill hoped that naming the hot dog after the reform cause would spark conversation about the need for change in the penal system. He partnered with Striped Magazine, a Connecticut-based nonprofit publication that’s distributed to inmates, to publicize the hot dog.
Take-out and delivery orders will prove crucial to the ability of local restaurants like Jordan’s Hot Dogs and Mac to weather the pandemic during the coming months as Covid-19 cases climb and cold weather sets in. Click here or call (203) 789‑2244 to order a Prison Reformer or other specialty or pick-up or delivery. The restaurant is open Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. — 7 p.m.

Spruill (pictured), a Hillhouse High graduate, grew up in Newhallville. Twenty years ago, he was arrested for a nonviolent offense and sentenced to four years in prison. He has worked hard since then to succeed in business.
He was introduced to the restaurant business when he got a job at Frank Pepe’s after high school. He worked there for 18 years, with a goal of one day opening his own business. A jewelry store and another restaurant didn’t work out. The third try was the charm — his hot dogs and mac spot at 970 State St. (Click here to read a story about his 2012 opening.)
“It all started with me cooking up hot dogs on a George Foreman grill at my house,” said Spruill. “The town has been really receptive [ever since]. We get a lot of love.”
The store is named for his 11-year-old son Jordan, whose two favorite foods are … hot dogs and macaroni and cheese.

As Spriull discussed the new offering, his cook, Isaiah Perez (pictured), prepared one in the kitchen. He threw a split frankfurter — always Hummel Bros., Spruill noted — down on the flat-top.
“It used to be just me taking orders and cooking everything too,” said Spruill. “Not anymore.”
Perez delicately placed the dog inside a toasted New England-style bun, gave it a healthy zigzag of spicy mustard, and topped it with a ladleful of the signature “Jordan’s sauce.”
“It’s almost like Jack Daniels barbecue sauce,” said Spruill.
The Prison Reformer was delicious, with a snappy bite and the heat of the mustard balanced by the sweetness of the Jordan’s sauce.
Despite the pandemic, Spruill said, 2020 was actually his busiest year to date. Online orders exploded, as people depended on comfort food to get them through. He plans to expand in 2021, either by opening up a second, takeout-only storefront or starting a food truck.
“I’m just trying to go with the flow,” said Spruill. “I can come up with a lot of ideas!”

Previous coverage of recommended take-orders to help keep local businesses survive the pandemic:
• Today’s Special: Haci’s Napoletana Pie
• Today’s Special: Fred & Patty’s Brie On Baguette
• Today’s Special: Nieda’s Moist Falafel
• Today’s Special: Qulen’s Vegan
• Today’s Special: Aaron’s Peruvian Rice Bowl
• Today’s Special: Singh Bros.’ Chana Kulcha
• Today’s Special: Grandma’s Chicken Soup
• Today’s Special: Woody’s Steak & Shrimp
• Today’s Special: Shilmat’s Yemisir Sambusa
• Today’s Special: Arjun’s Vegetarian Manchurian
• Today’s Special: Mohammed’s Bhel Poori
• Today’s Special: Francesco’s Tortelli
• Today’s Special: Seikichi’s Sushi
• Today’s Special: Ketkeo’s Khao Poon
• Today’s Special: Mike Fox’s French Toast
• Today’s Special: Zhang’s Squirrel Fish Dish
• Today’s Special: Jessica’s Gumbo
• Today’s Special: Kenny Kim’s Vegan Ramen
• Today’s Special: Ernesto’s Venezuelan Arepa