Samuel Hadelman photo
Sam Carlson at Monday night’s concert.
Beecher Park was filled with pies, kids, and live music Monday night for the fourth entry in a weekly summer Westville concert series and pie bake-off.
The event, held outside of Westville’s Mitchell Library branch, was hosted by the neighborhood nonprofit, Westville Village Renaissance Alliance.
The theme for this week’s concert was ‘HiFi Pie Fest,’ the featured performer was local guitarist and singer-songwriter Sam “S.G.” Carlson, and the featured food truck was the Caseus cheese truck.

Attendees at Beecher Park.
The concert’s laid-back atmosphere left dozens amiably sitting, chatting, and chomping on pie slices as they enjoyed Carlon’s music. “It’s nice and mellow,” one attendee said. “It brings the community together.”
The event’s pie category was the dauntingly open-ended “freestyle,” which lead to many any eclectic bite. The pies held a diverse collection of flavors, ranging from Libby Abraham’s Martha Stewart Alsatian Potato Pie to Wren Hoffman’s prize-winning pizza pie.

“Freestyle” pies dished out during the concert.
When asked about why he plays these events, Carlson said he believes the library is a pivotal hub for the entire Westville community.
“A community that comes together around its library is one that will stick together,” he said. And so his audience did, enjoying the tranquil vibes of his music as they stretched out in the late afternoon sun.
Catch the last festival of the summer concert series on August 5. The pie category is Apple/Pear Quince Pies, the food truck is Holy Guacamole, and the musical accompaniment is Carlos y Su Momento Musical.