Board of Alders Notice — New Haven

Meeting Agenda
The Education Committee of the Board of Alders will meet on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Alders Chamber located at 165 Church Street, 2nd Floor; New Haven, CT to hold a workshop on the following item:
‑ to examine data, current services, and seek community input on effective interventions and best practices for addressing homeless and housing insecure youth in NHPS.
Per Order: Hon. Aaron Greenberg, Chair;
Attest: Hon. Michael Smart, City Clerk

These items are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 202 at
200 Orange Street; New Haven, CT 06510.

For accessibility related accommodations, please call (203) 946 7833 (V) or (203) 946 8582 (TTY/TDD).

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