Campaign 2013

“Local” Label Depends On Cash-In Or Cash-Out

by | Oct 30, 2013 8:24 am | Comments (44)

Justin Elicker used mostly locally-raised contributions to place an ad on craigslist and hire nine out-of-town campaign staffers. Toni Harp used thousands of dollars from out-of-town donors to help hire 60 New Haveners to her campaign, including everyday people from Newhallville and West Rock.

So who has the more ​“local” campaign?

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Who Was Who

by | Oct 23, 2013 11:45 am | Comments (9)

Where: O’Tooles bar downtown.

What: A fundraiser for Democratic mayoral candidate Toni Harp (pictured); it produced $5,000 from a crowd of young professionals, small business owners, and lawyers.

When: Monday night.

Who? Find out below.

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Yul Replants His Sign

by | Oct 22, 2013 12:03 pm | Comments (6)

Allan Appel Photo

Yul Watley returned to home to find his two Toni Harp campaign signs removed from his front yard. By the time he got to the bottom of the disappearance, his simple act of planting the signs has resulted in a broader review of the rules for some New Haven public-housing tenants who express support for political candidates.

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