Gina Coggio

Letter From the Road

by | Jan 25, 2006 8:27 am | Comments (1)

Jan. 25, 2006

Dear Man Who Flipped Me Off This Morning at the Corner of Putnam and Whitney Avenues:

Thank you for starting off my day on a positive and cheerful note. Your hand gesture brought happiness to my heart and fond memories of childhood in Vermont, spending time with loved ones. You are clearly a loving, giving, and caring person, and it’s my hope that your progeny will grow up to be just like you. I wish the world were filled with compassionate people; and indeed, as I enter the classroom every day, I hope to form my 120 students into model citizens such as yourself. On so many days, my morning is filled with self-doubt and negativity; your action this morning was refreshingly upbeat, and, I would argue, life-changing. I’d like to return the favor. Please let me know when it would best suit your schedule.
Gina Coggio

Brinn’s Mom

by | Nov 15, 2005 10:05 am | Comments (0)

Nov. 15, 2005

Brinn’s mom died. On Saturday. The funeral is on Friday. Brinn doesn’t want anyone to know. I’m having a hard time trying to write anything about this right now. All the words I want to say are just in my head, and it’s not easy to try and pull them out.

Going Home

by | Nov 11, 2005 9:18 am | Comments (0)

Nov. 10, 2005

I am finally going home. The last time I went home was at some point in July, and before that it was for a couple of days during December break last year. Working at the restaurant, I wasn’t able to take any extended vacations or to go home on the weekends. So now that I’ve had more time, I’m taking advantage of it. Thanks to Veterans’ Day, I get to see my mom.

Continue reading ‘Going Home’

No Para Ti

by | Oct 5, 2005 2:00 am | Comments (1)

Gina CoggioWord to the wise: If you mess with the tips of the New Haven Independent’s teacher-by-day, waitress-by-night diarist, don’t think you’re going to get her phone number. Instead, you’re going to end up starring in her online diary.

Continue reading ‘No Para Ti’

I’m Not Brave

by | Sep 27, 2005 7:49 am | Comments (4)

Gina CoggioFor the billionth time, one of her customers exclaimed Wow, you’re brave!” when Gina Coggio told her she teaches New Haven public school kids. That prompted an early-autumn moment of clarity for the Independent’s teacher-by-day, waitress-by-night diarist.

Continue reading ‘I’m Not Brave’