Maya McFadden Photo
“Nothing could have made me happier,” Lucille Williams said while celebrating her 81st birthday on Saturday at a small masked outdoor gathering with her family and friends.
Lucille’s daughter, Janice Williams, arranged the party in hopes of reminding her mother of the people in her life who love and care about her.

The original plan was to host a drive-by celebration outside Lucille’s home across from Hillhouse High School on Sherman Parkway. And some visitors did honk and drive away. Some others parked and wished Lucille a happy birthday briefly from the front lawn. Lucille was visited by family members, church members, neighbors, walking buddies, and family friends.
For years the month of May has been a difficult time for the family due to their loss of two father figures in May of 2018 and 2019. “The death, illness, and isolation of the virus have been hard on us,” Janice said.
With the ongoing pandemic, the family had been looking forward to a day like Saturday. “We’re past due for a celebration,” Janice said.

Jason Thomas, Lucille Williams, and Janice Willaims.
Lucille said the celebration was the best she had in years.
“I enjoyed that it wasn’t time consuming but still very meaningful,” she said. The half-hour gathering was a “pleasant change” to her day she said.
In the spirit of a birthday celebration during the Covid-19 pandemic, Lucille wore a birthday tiara reading “Birthday queen quarantined,” which Janice picked up from a friend in New York on Thursday.
Just before the start of the celebration, Lucille was on her way out for a trip to Costco. In an effort to keep her mom from missing the surprise, Janice just told her their pastor was visiting to say a birthday prayer for her.

Janice additionally surprised her mother with a creative yard card message in front of their house reading, “Holy Cow, Ma’s 81.”
Janice offered each visitor an individually packaged cupcake as a thanks for their visit. The family also arranged a Zoom call later in the day with long-distance family and friends.
“I can’t hug you, but just know I would,” said Lucille to many of her friends.

Many close friends’ visits came as a surprise to Lucille. “How did you know about this?” she said to one of them, named Mary who briefly pulled over to extend her birthday wishes.
To end the celebration the small group was led in a prayer by the family’s pastor and then sang Lucille a happy birthday.