Milken Educator
Lauren Sepulveda teaches social studies class in 2019 hours after receiving the Milken Educator Award.
Veteran Clinton Avenue School teacher Lauren Sepulveda will leave her “home” to become the next assistant principal of John S. Martinez School.
That administrative promotion was approved at Monday’s Board of Education meeting, held via Zoom.
Sepulveda will fill the last vacant administrative appointment as of Monday for New Haven Public Schools (NHPS).
She has been an educator at Clinton Avenue School for the past decade, teaching history to seventh and eighth graders. Superintendent Iline Tracey described Sepulveda as an “exemplary teacher.”
Sepulveda received the Milken Educator Award in 2019 and the Teacher of the Year Award from NHPS in 2018.
Sepulveda addressed the board with thanks for the promotion and the chance to serve the district in larger capacity as assistant principal.
She thanked the Clinton team that helped her to grow as an educator over the years.
“New Haven Public Schools has been home to me for 11 years, and in that time you have truly invested in me,” Sepulveda said.
Over the years she has developed as an educator from mentors, several opportunities to learn and grow, and “stellar” examples of leadership to look up to she said.
She promised to “work hard everyday to put students first” in the new role.
The administrative appointment was approved along with appointments fo 12 teachers, six teachers pending certification, one paraprofessional, two non-instructional staff, and one teacher promotion during Monday’s board personnel report.