Melissa Bailey Photo
On the heels of a report that charged him with tampering with student-athletes’ transcripts, Hillhouse Principal Kermit Carolina will have a chance to give his side of the story in a meeting with Superintendent Reggie Mayo Friday.
Mayo ordered Carolina to appear for a “mandatory” meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the superintendent’s office at 54 Meadow St., according to a letter from Mayo’s office.
The meeting will be Carolina’s first chance to defend himself to Mayo in person against the charges issued in a 28-page report compiled by Floyd Dugas, an attorney the school system hired to investigate complaints of grade-tampering at James Hillhouse High School. Carolina has proclaimed innocence. In a meeting with press Thursday, he said he plans to bring union representation, his attorney, and a PowerPoint presentation he compiled outlining the case for his innocence.
Mayo has said the school board would take disciplinary action against the host of administrators involved. He said he would hear their side of the story, then decide what discipline may be warranted. He has said he won’t fire anyone.
Carolina’s attorney, Mike Jefferson, said he requested the meeting be open to the press.
“We have nothing to hide,” Jefferson said.
Schools spokeswoman Abbe Smith said Mayo denied that request. “Dr. Mayo is the one who appointed Kermit as principal” and before that, as assistant principal, Smith noted.
“He wants to sit down and hear what Kermit has to say,” she said, “man to man.”
“That’s not an appropriate conversation to have in front of cameras and in front of media.”