Support Your Local Principal!

You can’t vote for president again until November, but you can vote starting this week for principal.

Specifically you can vote for Greg Baldwin, principal and co-founder of New Haven Academy, a small high school with a big mission.

Baldwin is one of six national finalists for a $100,000 ​“Larry O’Toole Award” from the Nellia Mae Foundation. The public gets to vote for the winner.

You can watch a video pitch for Baldwin above. (The other finalists’ videos can be found here.)

You can read a more extensive WNHH radio interview with Baldwin and Academy co-founder Meredith Gavrin in this story. Or listen to it by clicking on or downloading the above video.

And you can cast your vote here. We can’t tell you whom to vote for. But we can let you know that if Baldwin wins, that $100,000 would go back to New Haven Academy to support more of its innovative ideas about how to turn out independent thinking citizens rather than test-score-programmed robots.


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