Markeshia Ricks Photo
Yale Alder Sarah Eidelson helps Ward 24 Democratic Co-chair Gary Stewart through the survey.
The Board of Alders wants your help setting its new legislative agenda.
The leadership of the Board of Alders unveiled its inaugural legislative agenda survey prior to its regular board meeting at City Hall Monday night. The survey, which includes questions about initiatives residents might like to see board members tackle, can be filled out and dropped off at the Office of Legislative Services at City Hall, or online using a phone or computer that has access to the Internet.
Board President Tyisha Walker pointed out that members have taken their cues from the city’s residents through the crafting of a legislative agenda since 2012, when many of the members of the current board were first elected.
“The legislative agenda came from the input of people all over the city and all over the neighborhoods,” she said. “They told us what the priorities for the city should be. We wanted to do that again.”
Based on the feedback alders get from the completed surveys, the board will update the legislative agenda in January, Walker said.
“I think in order for the city to be successful, the residents have to decide what their priorities are,” she added. “That is why we’re launching this survey. You can have a whole bunch of different people from the community coming together to get the input and then we’ll have a legislative agenda that everyone in the city will be proud of.”
Though this will be the first time that the board is using a survey to solicit suggestions from the public, Majority Leader and Annex Alder Alphonse Paolillo Jr. said it is the third legislative agenda that board members will be drafting.
“This outreach is going to be a citywide outreach,” he said. “It’s going to be every ward, all 30 wards, all communities. So we encourage management teams, ward committees, block watches, any groups that we’re working with as we’re hitting the doors, as we’re walking around meeting folks to fill out this survey. We want citywide feedback and it’s going to guide us for our work for the rest of this term.”