A past year’s entrant.
A massive snowfall means … it’s time for another New Haven snow-sculpture contest.
Parks and rec is sponsoring the contest, as it has in past blizzards.
Here are the details:
New Haven Parks Recreation and Trees is hosting another snow sculpture contest
Participants are encouraged to create snow sculptures at the following sites:
East Shore Park by Hanna’s Playground
New Haven Green near the flagpole
College Woods by the Ranger Station
Edgewood Park by the Gazebo on Yale Ave
Participants must register their sculptures by providing the location, name, and post photos of their snow sculpture to the New Haven Parks, Recreation, and Trees Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/NewHavenParks .
Sculptures registered before 10am on Friday, January 30, 2015, will be eligible to receive prizes donated by Trailblazer.
The entries with the most likes on facebook for each one of the four sites will receive a $25 Gift card donated by Trailblazer.
All sculptures must be in good taste and non offensive. Please do not block sidewalks or roads, or interfere with the operation of playground equipment. We encourage participants to wait until the storm is over before creating their sculptures.
Winners will be contacted via facebook (make sure you are friends with us)) Good luck!
For more please contact the Outdoor Adventure Coordinator Martin Torresquintero: mtorresq@newhavenct.net