Contributed Photos
Caption: LEAP students at Norfolk State University in Virginia.
This citizen contribution was submitted by LEAP’s Communications Coordinator Melissa Liriano.
The annual Leadership, Education, and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP) Spring Break College Tour is taking place this week.
LEAP, a New Haven youth development nonprofit organization, took 28 high school students on a college tour in Virginia and Maryland. They visited nine colleges and universities, five of which are historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). These schools include Norfolk State University, Hampton University, Virginia State University, Virginia Union University, Coppin State University, the University of Richmond, the Maryland Institute of Art, Johns Hopkins University, and Loyola University. The Spring Break College Tour is entirely free for these students, with LEAP covering all costs, including bus transportation to and from each location, hotels, and meals.
After eight long hours on the road, the students finally arrived in Virginia on Sunday, April 14. The first stop of this trip was the Virginia Air and Space Center, where they got the chance to tour the museum and learn about what it’s like to be in space. They also enjoyed going on simulation rides and exploring NASA spaceships. Malikhi Grant, a student in LEAP’s Leaders-in-Training program, says his favorite part of the museum was “getting to look at all the cool spaceships.”

Malikhi reading about the history of planes.
The students began visiting schools on Monday, April 15, the second day of the tour. Their first stop was Norfolk State University, one of Virginia’s HBCUs. Many students enjoyed touring the school and were impressed that Norfolk State University students receive a free Apple iPad and Apple Pencil for their studies! High school sophomores Da’nasia Johnson and R’Naisa Joines especially loved touring Norfolk State University, stating, “[We] love the sense of the community at this school. Everyone seems so welcoming.” Afterward, students visited Hampton University, where they were guided by Sydney, a sophomore at Hampton University and a New Haven native! The day ended on a high note at Virginia Beach, where students walked up and down the boardwalk and soaked in the beautiful weather and scenic views.
The longest day of the college tour was Tuesday, April 16, day three. Students visited three schools, two of which were HBCUs. They started the day at Virginia State University, another favorite for LEAP students. Rhieanna Rubertone, a LEAP junior counselor and student at James Hillhouse High School, was grateful for the opportunity to go on the college tour. She says, “My favorite part about [the tour so far] was when we got to the colleges. Not only because we got to [see what] life [is like] as a college student, but also because it showed [us] how limitless we are and [how] we can always do better.” Rhieanna plans to major in social work because “social work is something that will [always] be needed and a resource I think everyone should take advantage of.” She thanks LEAP for giving her the opportunity to go on educational trips like the college tour and walking her through the college process. After seeing Virginia State University, students visited Virginia Union University and the University of Richmond, but Virginia State University stole their hearts.
On the fourth day of the college tour, students arrived in Maryland and toured the first school in Baltimore, the Maryland Institute College of Art. Despite the pouring rain, they were excited to tour the school’s city campus and see the artwork the Maryland Institute College of Art students produced. Manayil Yaya, a LEAP junior counselor and student at Hill Regional Career High School, participated in LEAP’s fall college tour last year in October. She was excited to go on LEAP’s spring break college tour because it’s “during spring break, which means no school, and we get to visit so many different colleges and maybe find one that we like. It’s also nice because we are having fun and getting to explore places outside of New Haven.” Manayil plans to enter the medical field. She fell in love with Brown University and Bryant University on the fall college tour, but after visiting schools in Virginia, she wants to apply to Virginia State University, too! She loves that LEAP is helping her and other students “ [learn about] what college life would be like and preparing [them] to be independent college students.”
The students on the LEAP college tour return to New Haven on Friday, April 19. You can stay connected with the tour by following them on Instagram (@LEAPforKids) and Facebook (@LEAPinc)!

LEAP students at Virginia State University.