Markeshia Ricks Photo
Matteson at City Hall Monday.
Sean Matteson can finally take the “acting” off the chief administrative officer (CAO) title he’s been wearing for the last six months. Thanks to a vote Monday night by the Board of Alders, he is now permanently installed in that position.
The alders rejectedMatteson for the permanent CAO job back in October. Mayor Toni Harp resubmitted his nomination for a second try at confirmation, and Matteson managed to win over some of his biggest critics. Alders unanimously confirmed Matteson’s appointment Monday night on a voice vote during their regular monthly meeting at City Hall.
Hill Alder Evelyn Rodriguez, who serves as the head of the Aldermanic Committee that had previously supported the first attempt by the Harp administration at appointing Matteson, was all cued up to share an anecdote of support.
But before she could get rolling Majority Leader and Amity/Beverly Hills Alder Richard Furlow used a procedural move to close the discussion. Alders were ready to vote and needed no more convincing.
Matteson said after the meeting that he was happy that he had the opportunity to go through the confirmation process again. He said he understood alders’ concerns and respected how they had handled each hearing.
The CAO oversees line departments like police, fire and public works.