Alders-Elect Brittiany Mabery-Niblack and Theresa Morant at WNHH FM.
Attention LCI: Expect to hear from Brittiany Mabery-Niblack and Theresa Morant starting next month.
That’s when Mabery-Niblack and Morant begin serving as newly elected alders in Newhallville’s Ward 20 and Quinnipiac Meadows’ Ward 12, respectively.
Knocking on doors to win their seats, they came face to face with what they characterize as failures of “megalandlords” to keep up low-income rental properties in their neighborhoods.
“I’ve seen ceilings caving in, windows rusted out” while visiting voters, Mabery-Niblack said during a joint appearance with Morant Tuesday on WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven” program.
“People are not living comfortably. Landlords are going up in the rent” without maintaining adequate living conditions.
Morant spoke as well about finding “doors with no door handles” and broken locks as she campaigned door to door.
Both alders-elect said they plan to keep inspectors at the government’s Livable City Initiative (LCI) aware of problems they encounter. That intention fits with their larger goals as alders: holding people in power accountable and connecting constituents to opportunities to advance their lives.
Mabery-Niblack, for instance, spoke of how New Haven Works helped her land good jobs with Yale and then the state government and of Yale’s Homebuyer program as an example of opportunities she’d like to see more people learn about.
“I enjoy being a voice for the people,” Morant said. She heard a lot about neighbors’ concerns about a new homeless facility the city is opening at the former Days Inn on Foxon Boulevard. She called the project a “beautiful” way to help people in need — and she has worked to allay neighbors’ concerns and connect them to officials who can lay out the rules and staffing in place to ensure it runs well.
Click on the above video to watch the full discussion with Alders-Elect Brittiany Mabery-Niblack and Theresa Morant on WNHH FM’s“Dateline New Haven” program. Click here to subscribe or here to listen to other episodes of Dateline New Haven.