New Haven’s Democratic Primary election is Tuesday, Sept. 12. Polls are open until 8 p.m.
The Independent has put together a guide for New Haveners wondering how and where to vote, who’s on the ballot, and what the candidates stand for.
There have been plenty of twists and turns in electionland over the last several weeks.
Crucially, the city now has a new ward map, as of early August — meaning that you may be voting at a new polling place, and even weighing in on a different alder race, on Tuesday.
Also: Two Democratic mayoral candidates, Shafiq Abdussabur and Tom Goldenberg, didn’t make it onto the primary ballot — leading one to switch party lines and the other to sue the city, then drop out of the race. Candidates for other offices also failed to qualify, or simply decided not to run in the Democratic primary at all.
The upshot? On Tuesday, two-term incumbent Mayor Justin Elicker is facing off against challenger Liam Brennan.
There are also six competitive alder races in Fair Haven, the Annex, Morris Cove, Newhallville, Dixwell, and Westville.
There’s no primary election for city clerk or Board of Education representative, although those seats are slated to be contested in the general election.
Whoever wins Tuesday’s Democratic primaries in the mayor and alder races will then advance to the Nov. 7 general election.
Click here to read the Independent’s guide for primary voters in full.