This article was submitted by Making A Difference Foundation CEO Rev. Yvonne McCoy and President and Founder Earl A. McCoy Sr.
Our Fatherhood RealMen RealTalk Group meetings are a melting pot of fathers’ perspectives and experiences. These fathers have joined us from various locations, including New Haven, West Haven, Hamden, Woodbridge, Unionville, and California. On Saturday, March 9, despite the looming storm and the possibility of postponement, our Fatherhood RealMen RealTalk meeting went on. It was well attended with over 20 dedicated individuals who braved the torrential downpour, high winds, and cold to engage in our outdoor fireside chat.
This level of dedication and commitment is a testament to the importance and impact of our meetings. When it comes to being a father, it can be hard to truly understand the trials and tribulations. As one of the fathers, Sean Washington, said when I first started this group back in 2000, “It is critically important to have a place to meet, express, discuss, and be vulnerable without being judged.” Our fireside chats are more than just conversations. They are transformative experiences that leave you feeling heard, inspired, and ready to be a better man, father, and person.
The knowledge and wisdom shared in these respectful and perceptive discussions are invaluable. These quarterly meetings started on Zoom and have evolved to in-person meetings at my home filled with not only many heartfelt conversations, but also a way to stay connected with family, friends, and the community-at-large. Below are some pictures of our meetings.
Due to the pending rain, our most recent meeting included setting up a tent so we could stay dry. However, no one stayed inside of the tent, except to eat. The fire was lit and stayed lit from 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. that night when the last person left. This is the type of passion and fire that exists inside each participant of the Fatherhood RealMen RealTalk Group. The fire that burns in them, no water can extinguish.
I must thank my brother Hank, who flew from his home in California to Connecticut just to be here for this meeting. Also, a very special thanks to my wife, Reverend Dr. Yvonne McCoy, who inspired me to start this men’s group. As we look to expand these Fatherhood RealMen RealTalk meetings, we are in the early stages of planning a big outing on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024, starting at noon at Sleeping Giant State Park under the pavilion in Hamden, CT.
The goal of this meeting will be for all fathers to attend in unity, peace, harmony, to share experiences and to be in support of each other. Because as a father, there will be many times in your life when you hug your child, knowing that you need a hug more than they do. Additionally, for our Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 meeting, we will be looking for volunteers and sponsors to help support this worthy cause. I can be reached by email at fatherhood.RealMen.realtalk@gmail.com