Noah Kim photo
Yesenia Rivera: Stop teaching to standardized tests.
Last month, a battle. This month, a love fest.
So went Mayor Toni Harp’s quest to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education.
Last month her nomination to reappoint Jamell Cotto to a board seat sparks hours of emotional debate, and then a no vote, at the Board of Alders.
Monday night her next nominee, Yesenia Rivera, the program director at the Edgewood PTO Child Care Program and the housing assessment director at The Connection, Inc., was showered with praise at a hearing before the Board of Alders’ Aldermanic Affairs Committee. The committee voted unanimously to approve the nomination, passing it along for an expected final vote of approval by the full Board of Alders. Rivera would fill the vacancy left by the resignation of ed board member Frank Redente, who resigned mid-term saying he was fed up with the internal politics.
Cotto’s Aldermanic Affairs Committee hearing had lasted three hours as over 30 community members debated his reappointment. By contrast, Rivera’s hearing Monday night lasted just over 20 minutes.
Rivera opened the hearing with a prepared speech about the ways in which she qualifies for the position, citing her “open mind and willingness to learn” and her experience “reaching out to parents and communities.”

After Rivera concluded, Alders Jill Marks, Gerald Antunes, Evelyn Rodriguez, Hacibey Catalbasoglu, and Evette Hamilton (pictured, from left) questioned her about her experience working with the community and her philosophy on education.
In response to a question asked by Catalbasoglu about the specific policy she’d most like to implement, Rivera said that she would like to stop schools from teaching toward standardized testing.
“I think that in teaching the students to pass these tests, we’re not really engaging the students in meaningful learning,” she said.
Asked by Antunes how she would define meaningful teaching, Rivera said she believes it engages each and every student, even those who have fallen behind.
“I think that what happens is we tend to toss the what we label ‘bad kids’ aside,” she said. “Meaningful teaching would be about making sure that those kids are also getting the instruction that’s needed to succeed.”
“Great answer,” Antunes responded.
Throughout her hearing, Rivera stressed the necessity of talking with teachers and students on the ground and taking time to research key issues.

Rivera with supporters.
“A lot of the times, higher-ups in the school, school administrators, make decisions without consulting with the staff that are actually dealing with the problems,” she said.
Catalbasoglu asked her several questions about specific policies, including a proposal to make the Muslim holiday Eid an off-day for Muslim students. Rivera responded that she would need more information from the board and from students before making a final decision.
After the alders opened the floor to public testimony, two attendees spoke on behalf of Rivera.
The first was Maritza Casanova, a representative of the New Haven Public School Advocates, the same group that successfully contested Cotto’s reappointment last month.
“It’s refreshing that she has experience working with parents and communities already, and it’s evident that she shares our values,” said Casanova.
Casanova was followed by the Rev. Jose Champagne, president of the Hispanic League Association, who commended Rivera’s appointment because she would represent the hispanic population in New Haven. Hispanic students are now the majority in New Haven’s public schools; Rivera would be one of two Hispanic ed board members.
During the discussion period, the alders praised Rivera before unanimously voting in support of her appointment.
“She has a very interested and sincere connection to the city as a parent and a neighbor,” said Antunes. “Also, she’s not afraid to say she doesn’t know yet. That’s very important.”
If the full board confirms Rivera’s appointment next month, her term is set to expire in December 2020.