Thomas MacMillan Photo
Campaign treasurer Hilda Kilpatrick and candidate Harp at City Clerk’s office Tuesday.

(Updated with major donor lists.) Mayoral candidate Toni Harp raised a whopping $176,082 in the last two months — and spent it just as fast.
Harp, a state senator, has pulled ahead in the money race, according to the latest campaign finance disclosures in the New Haven mayor’s race.
Tuesday marked the deadline for the latest campaign finance filings. The four mayoral candidates—Kermit Carolina, Justin Elicker, Henry Fernandez, and Harp—are required to disclose who gave to their campaign in the last two months, and how much they gave.
The financial filings offer a chance to assess the relative strength of the campaigns, and whence they’re drawing support. They show the size of the war chests and how they’re being filled.
The last filing deadline was July 10. Click here for an analysis of that data dump.
Harp outpaced Elicker and Carolina by wide margins. She and Fernandez are far closer in the money race.
Elicker raised $30,000 in July and August. Kermit raised only $5,260.
Fernandez, who had raised the most money by July 10, said his campaign has raised a total of $265,361 so far, including donations from before July. The Harp campaign is up to $287,413 in year-to-date donations.
The Harp campaign has been spending money faster than it’s been raising it. During July and August the campaign raised $176,082 and spent $216,253. At the end of the reporting period, her campaign had $33,946 on hand.
Of the money she raised in July and August, $151,832 came from individuals and $22,150 came from committees and businesses. Harp received money from CFD - PAC, AT&T employees organization, the Central CT Carpenters Union, Carpenters Local 43, Sheet Metal Workers Local, Democratic Voices for Change, Prosperity for Connecticut, A Better Connecticut, CT Uniformed Professional Firefighters, CT Council of Police Unions, New Haven Central Labor Council, Yale’s Local 34 and 35, Conn. State Employees Association, Realtor’s PAC, AFSCME Council 40, AFT Connecticut, UNITE HERE, Connecticut Education Association. The largest committee donation came from Washington DC’s Thirty-Ninth Street Strategies, which gave $2,500.
Harp campaign manager Jason Bartlett said the campaign has received 262 donations from New Haveners to date.
Harp said raising more money in the second reporting period than the first indicates that the campaign is gathering steam.
Harp received 700 donations from individuals in July and August
287 from New Haveners, the rest were from out of town. The average individual donation size was $217
The following people donated $370 or more to the campaign:
William C Graustein, 370
L. Christine Laydon, 375
Jeffrey Laydon, 375
Kristy Laydon, 375
Anthony Monaco, 400
Alphonse Paolillo, 400
Michael B Smart, 400
Frank M. Antonacci, 500
Dianibel Aviles, 500
Kenneth/Jane Bartels, 500
David A Beckerman, 500
David Benivegna, 500
Salvatore Brancati, 500
Carmine Capasso, 500
Giuseppe Capasso, 500
Joseph Carbone, 500
Michael A Carrano, 500
Mark Celentano, 500
Jane Coppa, 500
Gerald D Desroches, 500
Mario Di Loreto, 500
Christopher Dickman, 500
William Esposito Jr., 500
Joseph Friedler, 500
Shelley Geballe, 500
Jonathan Gelbwaks, 500
John Gilmore, 500
Glen Greenburg, 500
Benjamin Gross, 500
Robin E Gross, 500
Jordan M Hadelman, 500
Barbara Hennessy, 500
Donald F Houston, 500
Michael P Iannuzzi, 500
George V Keithan, 500
Elizabeth Keyes, 500
Steven Konover, 500
Karen Baldwin Kravetz, 500
Michael Labella, 500
Timothy J Lee, 500
Andrea Lobo, 500
Babette Lubben, 500
Gary Lubben, 500
Steven Mednick, 500
John M Milone, Jr., 500
Alfred J Onorato, 500
Frank Pizzola , 500
Carl Porto, 500
Jennifer Rawlings, 500
Kevin N. Reynolds, 500
Tracey San Angelo, 500
Andrea Scott, 500
Robert Shea, 500
Judith Sheiffele, 500
John Soto, 500
Joseph Spagnoletti, 500
Joseph Sparveri Jr., 500
John Stafstrom, Jr., 500
Theresa VanDerMeade, 500
Albert A Annunziata, 600
R Bartley Halloran, 750
Mark Sklarz, 750
John M Letizia, 800
Jeffrey S Anderson, 1000
Coy Angelo, 1000
Mary Jane Angelo, 1000
Dr. Murali Atluru, 1000
Mark Auger , 1000
Dorie Augur, 1000
John Aversa, 1000
Dominic Balletto, 1000
John Beiner, 1000
Francesco Caico, 1000
Valerio Capobianco, 1000
Tahir Choudhry, 1000
Meir Cohen, 1000
Peter Criscuolo, 1000
Peter DeLuca, 1000
Louis A DeMaio, 1000
Joseph N Desautel, 1000
John E Downes III, 1000
Orest Dubno, 1000
Glenn Elia, 1000
Edward Evans, 1000
Fazlay, Rabbi Fazlay, 1000
Lori A. Forgione, 1000
Tracey Froehlich, 1000
Donald Froehlick, 1000
Ted Gallagher, 1000
Samuel R Haydock, 1000
Barry E Herman, 1000
Nancy Hill, 1000
Lynn Horton, 1000
Dawn Comer Jefferson, 1000
Norman Kaplan, 1000
Shelly Kassen, 1000
John Kelley, 1000
John R Kimberly, 1000
Derek A Kohl, 1000
Elmer Laydon, 1000
Michael P Lech, 1000
John Lomonte, 1000
Edward Marcus, 1000
Jennifer Marks, 1000
Thomas Moran, 1000
Edward J Moriarty, 1000
Matthew Nemerson, 1000
James K O’Brien, 1000
Elizabeth Ober, 1000
Robert Ober, 1000
Barbara L. Pearce, 1000
John Petry, 1000
Madeline Rivera, 1000
Thomas Romagnoli, 1000
John Rose, 1000
Jason Rudnick, 1000
Patricia Russo, 1000
Dr. & Mrs. Ruwe, 1000
Isabelle J Scalzi, 1000
William C Scalzi, 1000
Richard D. Segal, 1000
Enzo Sella, 1000
Anthony Signor, 1000
Kathleen Signor, 1000
Veronica Smith, 1000
Carolyn N Stanworth, 1000
Gary J. Timura, 1000
Joseph Tiroletto, 1000
Mary Tiroletto, 1000
Bruce Tulgan, 1000
Paul T Wojtowicz, 1000
Carolina, principal of Hillhouse High, is one of two candidates participating in the Democracy Fund, the city’s public campaign financing program. He and Elicker, the other participant, are restricted from taking PAC money and from taking contributions of more than $370. The fund allows them to access grants and matching funds for their campaigns.
The Carolina campaign raised only $5,260 in July and August, putting the candidate in fourth place in the money race. Carolina occupied that position after the July financial disclosures, too. He raised $33,435 by July 10. The money raised in July and August brings the total to about $39,000, not including additional money from the Democracy Fund.
The money Carolina raised in July and August came from 149 donors, 144 of whom live in New Haven. The vast majority came in small donations: 136 of the 144 were in amounts of $25 or less. Only four people contributed $370, the maximum permissible amount for Democracy Fund candidates.
Carolina’s average donation size was $35.
The following people donated the maximum of $370:
David Goldblum
Bruce Carrier
John Nguyen
Norman Bener
The Elicker campaign raised nearly $30,000 in the most recent filing period, according to a release. That brings his total raised to $170,000, including money from the city’s public campaign financing program, the campaign said.
As in the July finance filing, the Elicker campaign touted its high number of New Haven donors Tuesday. The campaign announced that more than 850 New Haveners have given to the campaign, nearly 80 percent of all its donors.
Elicker received 366 donations from individuals in July and August.
302 of those were from New Haveners in Connecticut. One was from a New Havener in New Haven, VT.
He raised a total of $29,254. The average donation size was $80.
The following people donated the maximum of $370:
David Baker, Facilities Manager, Guilford Savings Bank
Paul Bloom, Professor, Yale
Maryanne Cuomo
Robert Doran, Marketing, Self employed
Nicholas Evans, Cogstate, Software Developer
Billie Ladd, School Administrator, Retired
Andrew Metrick, Professor, Yale University
Susan Metrick, homemaker,
Helen Miller, State of CT, MD
Joseph Pastore
David Pinchin, Businessman,
Joseph Raffone, Realtor, Raffone Realty
John Simon, Professor Emeritus of Law, Yale University
Claire Simon, self-employed,
Christopher Udry, Professor, Yale Universtiy
Brooks Walsh
Harvey Weiss, prof, Yale U
James Yu, Yale, Physician
Fernandez received 269 donations from individuals, taking in a total of $86,305 in July and August.
The average donation size was $321.
66 of the donations came from New Haveners.
The following people donated $370 or more:
Vita Raffone, Realty, Self, 370
Paul Sabin, Academic, Yale, 370
Niaz Kasravi, Director of Criminal Justice, NAACP, 375
Sara Johnson, professor, UCSD, 400
Brett Smiley, Owner, CFO Consulting Group, 400
Matthias Strilbysckij, CPA, Marcum LLP, 400
Lane Blumenfeld, Attorney-At-Law, Outside GC LLC, 500
Andy Boas, Attorney, Carl Marks + Co, 500
Carol Boas, RN, N/A, 500
Richard Buery, Nonprofit Management, Children’s Aid Society, 500
Vincent Capasso, Doctor, Connecticut Valley Oral Surgery, 500
Arthur Collins, Political Strategist, The Collins | Johnson group, 500
William Conner, President & CEO, Columbus Association for the Performing Arts, 500
Rachel Germany, Teacher, N/a, 500
William Ginsberg, Philanthropy Executive, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, 500
Winifred Green, Consultant, SCEE, 500
Paul Greenberg, Accountant, Ritch Greenberg & Hassan, 500
Lise Hamilton, Attorney, Self, 500
Henry Hansmann, Professor of Law, Yale Law School, 500
William Heins, Principal, Wm Gray Partners LLC, 500
Wade Henderson, Pres and CEO, Leadership Conference of Civil and Human Rights, 500
Miriam Herman, Business Consultant, Blaqwell, 500
Meredith Hightower, Attorney, ABC, Inc., 500
Sean Joe, Professor, University of Michigan, 500
Joe Jolly, Attorney, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr, 500
Van Jones, Media Commentator, Self, 500
Richard Kaplan, Athletic Trainer, Yale University, 500
Mary Lassen, Managing Director, Center for Community Change, 500
Eliza Leighton, attorney, CASA de Maryland, 500
Giuliana Maravalle, Manufacturer, Self, 500
David Moulton, Owner/President, Goerge Ellis Company, 500
Arthur Nacht, Consultant, Self, 500
Curtis O’Connor, MGR Member, Horizon Benefit Group, 500
Matthew Pinsker, Professor, Dickinson College, 500
Robert Post, Dean, Yale Law School, 500
Jonathan Prete, VP Construction, A. Prete Construction, 500
Stephanie Rideout, Reception, Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, 500
Janice Schakowsky, Member of Congress, United States Congress, 500
Virginia Shiller, Clinical Psychologist, Self, 500
Arlene Szczarba, Realtor, Prudential CT, 500
Joshua Wright, Executive Director, Ideas42, 500
Jay Readey, Lawyer, Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 600
Louis Rubano, Attorney, Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, P.C., 600
Joyce Critelli, n/a, n/a, 750
Michael Critelli, President and CEO, Dossia Service Corp, 750
Richard Ferguson, Retired, Retired, 750
Miriam Gohara, Lawyer, Federal Public Defender, 750
David Newton, Real Estate, Elm Advisors, LLC, 750
Tynesha Swint, Restaurateur, Self, 750
Robin Pressman, Consultant, Self-employed, 775
Scott Quehl, Farmer, Management Advisor, Kaliope, LLC, 800
Dana Adams, Executive Management, Pace Communications, 1000
Beatrice Alexander, Student, Student, 1000
James Alexander, Retired, Retired, 1000
Martha Alexander, Retired, Retired, 1000
Matthew Bavolack, Principal, Marcum LLP, 1000
Michael Bennet, Senator, United States Senate, 1000
Debbie Bisno, Theatre, Self, 1000
Edwin Booth, Retired, Retired, 1000
Alyssa Casden, Mangement Coach, Teach for America, 1000
Laura Clarke, Information Requested, Information Requested, 1000
Mary Corson, Homemaker, None, 1000
Bob Creamer, Consultant, Strategic Consulting Group, 1000
Robert Danial, Self-Employed, Self-Employed, 1000
Lia Epperson, Law professor, American University, 1000
Pat Flynn, Real Estate Exec, self-employed, 1000
Ben Gettinger, Lawyer, Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, P.C., 1000
Elizabeth Gilson, Lawyer, Self, 1000
Vincent Giordano, Construction, Giordano Construction Co., Inc., 1000
Sean Glass, Entrepreneur, Self, 1000
Barbara Goodmaster, N/a, N/a, 1000
Molly Hart, Retired, Retired, 1000
Annie Haynes, Retired, Retired, 1000
Levi Hecht, Real Estate, Pike International, 1000
Sam Hecht, Real Estate, Pike International, 1000
Dani James, Attorney, Kramer Levin, 1000
David Jones Sr, Retired, Retired, 1000
Roger Joyce, Executive Vice President, The Bilco Company, 1000
John Kimberly, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 1000
Henry Lord, Investor, Self-Emplyed, 1000
Ruth Lord, Retired, Retired, 1000
Colin Meehan, Information Requested, Information Requested, 1000
Michael Meyer, CEO, Transmitive, LLC, 1000
Tina Morriar, Pastor, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, 1000
Sigmund Morriar, Pastor, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, 1000
Sharon Oster, Professor, Yale, 1000
Jeanne Pierpaoli, Retired, Retired, 1000
Neil Prete, Exec, A. Prete Construction, 1000
Neil Proto, attorney/of counsel/ occasional adjunct or affiliated professor, Schnader Harrison Segal and Lewis/Georgetown University, 1000
Deneta Sells, Physician, Intown Pediatrics, 1000
Ekaterina Stanilova, Information Requested, Yale New Haven Hospital, 1000
Mary Ann Stewart, Retired, retired, 1000
Marc Suraci, CFO, Suraci Corp, 1000
Eric Ward, Programme Executive, Atlantic Philanthropies, 1000
Shana Waterman, TV exec, FBC, 1000
Regina Winters, Architect, Zared Architecture, 1000