Sgt. Hosey and Detectives Meekins and Cuddy.
Detectives Lynn Meekins and Kristine Cuddy know how to handle the delicate process of gathering evidence after a sexual assault. Now they’ll get to use their expertise again.
Meekins and Cuddy have just been reassigned to the police department’s Special Victims Unit, which focuses on domestic violence, sexual assaults and crimes committed against the elderly. The city is reviving the unit after disbanding it a little over a year ago.
Police Chief Dean Esserman said the unit is getting back together as the city takes steps to “rebuild” its police force with added manpower. The first step, announced in March, was to put 40 rookie cops out on walking beats.
Sgt. Brendan Hosey will oversee the unit’s three detectives: Meekins, Cuddy, and Betsy Segui. All have previous experience with the unit, which spends the bulk of its time on sex assaults. When the unit was disbanded, they got scattered to different units, working on homicides and burglaries instead.
The city has received reports of six felony sex assaults so far this year, compared to eight last year. Esserman said as the department takes a stronger focus on sex assaults, the number may go up: The crimes often go unreported because people are afraid to go to police.