Hit job crew? Mauro (pictured with alleged co-conspirators Trump, Elicker): “The stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
If true, the grandest conspiracy in the modern history of New Haven politics was revealed Wednesday night, tying the Trump White House to the FBI to the New Haven Democratic Town Committee to mayoral candidate Justin Elicker.
Mayor Toni Harp’s reelection campaign exposed the conspiracy in a press release.
The release was the campaign’s first response to the revelation that the FBI has subpoenaed voluminous records from the Harp administration. (Read about the subpoena here; read about Elicker’s response here.)
In Wednesday’s release, Harp campaign manager Ed Corey pointed out that Elicker’s wife works as an assistant U.S. attorney. The U.S. attorney’s office works with the FBI on federal corruption investigations and prosecutions.
Corey called the subpoena a “political hit job.” He characterized the Republican Trump administration, Democratic Town Committee (DTC) leaders, and the Elicker campaign as coordinating a conspiracy to pull off said job.
“It is easy to surmise that certain DTC leaders coordinated with the Elicker campaign to leverage Natalie Elicker’s influence to initiate a baseless FBI investigation. It is apparent that candidate Justin Elicker had inside knowledge of the investigation into City Hall. Attorney Elicker clearly had her hand in manipulating the FBI into moving forward, which is reminiscent of the FBI’s sloppy meddling in the 2016 election. It is no surprise to me that Attorney Elicker is willing to use the same tactics that got her boss elected, to get her husband elected,” Corey wrote.
“We are confident that this baseless investigation initiated by disgruntled political opponents of the Mayor will turn up nothing.”
In a follow-up phone conversation, Corey was asked if “DTC leaders” include Town Chair Vincent Mauro Jr., who has not publicly endorsed Harp for reelection. Elicker is challenging Harp in a Sept. 10 mayoral primary.
“If you wanna connect that dot I wouldn’t stop you,” Corey said.
He was asked on what information the campaign was basing the accusation.
“DTC members and certain DTC leaders who are supporting Justin were calling people days ago and telling them that this is going to be big. They had inside track knowledge, I assume given to them by the Elicker camp. They already knew: Justin’s campaign and Justin’s supporters. It’s orchestrated,” he responded.
Vin Mauro was asked Wednesday evening if the Harp campaign’s accusation is true.
“That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” Mauro responded.
He was asked if he is backing a candidate for mayor.
“We’re going to have a convention” to pick a candidate, he said. “Right now I’m talking to town committee members who are talking to their ward committees to see where people are.”
Justin Elicker denied any conspiracy with the Trump administration or DTC.
He also said his wife has been careful to recuse herself from any matters in her work that could touch on New Haven politics.
“Natalie found out about this [subpoena] the same time as everyone else who read the New Haven Independent,” Elicker said.
“It’s despicable that they’re questioning the integrity of my wife,” he added. “It’s clear that this is an ongoing investigation into activities that have been in existence much longer than the existence of my campaign. The Harp administration instead of disparaging my family should focus on fixing an internal corruption problem and owning up to the dishonesty that exists in her administration.”

Paul Bass File Photo
Natalie Elicker, second from right, with husband Justin as he files papers to run for mayor.
Natalie Elicker referred questions to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Office spokesman Tom Carson declined comment.
Back in January, Natalie Elicker and the Elickers’ two daughters accompanied Justin Elicker to the City Clerk’s Office when he filed papers to run for mayor.
During that visit, she told reporters that she had worked hard to check on the rules in her office to avoid any potential conflicts.
In other campaign news, Elicker topped Harp 16 – 3 Wednesday evening in a nonbinding vote taken on the mayoral race by the Ward 13 Democratic Committee.